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Image 1

Example of the perpendicular distribution function plotted as a function of the fourth root of the energy taken at 0741 UT on August 14, 1993. The solid line is a spline fit through the data.



This animation shows the surface-of-section (phase space structure) plot for plasma particles in the tail current sheet, as the energy H is varied.


Distribution of ions after interaction with a "magnetic island".

Movie 2

Animated Entry Region - Colored to Transients & Stochastics (Sep. Crossings)

Movie 3

Animated Mu Ratio vs. Inital Pitch, Number of Separatrix Crossing Coloring

Movie 4

Magnetic moment scattering

Movie 4

A 24-hour color spectrogram showing the electric field intensity from the Galileo plasma wave instrument. The plasma sheet is crossed five times in this plot, at 1230, 0700, 1000, 1630, and 2030. Continuum radiation (broadband feature between 500 Hz and 8 kHz) has a low-frequency cutoff at the plasma frequency, which is indicated as a white trace on the plot. The black trace indicates the electron cyclotron frequency. As the plasma frequency (and density) increases entering the plasma sheet, there is a corresponding decrease in magnetic field strength. This diamagnetic effect allows for the computation of an effective temperature in the plasma sheet. To be submitted to GRL, 2002.

Movie 4

The best-fit temperatures (middle panel) and total pressures (lower panel) in the plasma sheet plotted as a function of radial distance from Jupiter, with best-fit power laws to the data. Electron density in the plasma sheet is included on the top panel. Plasma sheet temperatures appear to decrease slightly with increasing radial distance from Jupiter. The density varies as (1/r)^2.14, and total pressure decreases as (1/r)2.23. To be submitted to GRL, 2002.


electron density data animation of Jupiter's magnetoshere

Movie 4


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