Communicating Ideas: ISU Physics students at the Argonne Symposium

Each year a delegation of between 15 and 20 of our students, often the largest group from a single department, attends the Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, a national conference organized by the Argonne National Laboratory. Students get a chance to present the results of their research projects and interact with other undergraduate researchers, faculty, and lab staff. After the talks, the department underwrites a fancy dinner for those interested in trying out some different cuisines.

Opportunities to Showcase Research

Rebecca Yapp

Rebecca Yapp giving her presentation on Women in Physics

Tyson Shepherd

Tyson Shepherd giving his presentation on non-linear electric circuits.

Jon Andreason

Jon Andreason giving his presentation on the use of neural networks to classify galaxies.


Group Photo of involved people

(from left) John Andreason, Dr. Ansher, Rebecca Yapp, Dan Sherman, Dr. Holland, Dr. Goderya, Ingrid Ronquist, Valerie Hackstadt at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source.


Food and Fellowship

French Food

Students and Faculty enjoy a French dinner in Chicago.

Chinese Food.

Students and Faculty enjoy a Chinese dinner.