Academic Problem Analysis

ISU Physics Teacher Education Program

Carl J. Wenning, Instructor


If a student is having academic problems, there can be any number of reasons. The following questions will help the student, parents, and teachers search for the root of academic problems IF and ONLY IF these questions are answered honestly.

  1. How are you doing in your other classes?
  2. How well did you do in science prior to college?
  3. Do you fear science and math?
  4. Do you attend class regularly? If no, why not?
  5. Do you read the chapter in the text before attending class?
  6. Do you understand what you read? How do you know?
  7. Do you take notes in class?-
  8. Do you understand what is being said in class?
  9. Do you ask questions if you don't understand?
  10. Do you study your text and notes at least one hour daily?
  11. Do you "cram"' for tests?
  12. Do test dates catch you by surprise?
  13. Do you have a regular study schedule?
  14. Where do you study?
  15. Is your study time quality time?
  16. Do you pace yourself on tests?
  17. Do you look over your test before handing it in?
  18. Do you waste time on tests with difficult questions?
  19. Do you check over the answer keys to find problem areas?
  20. Do you understand and hand in the daily exercises?
  21. Do you look over posted solutions of homework?
  22. Do you know your algebra?
  23. Do you have a commitment to achieving the best possible grade?
  24. Are you interested in the subject or bored with the material?
  25. Do you understand relationships, or are you just memorizing material?
  26. Do you have difficulty in seeing or hearing in class?
  27. Do you attend review sessions if and When Offered?'
  28. Do you understand the importance of science study?
  29. Have you taken advantage of the Reading-Study Skills Service>
  30. Do you have an outside job (>10 hours/week) that is interfering with school?
  31. Do you think carefully and critically about problems?
  32. Do you have a good basis for understanding the subject?
  33. Is this an isolated problem, or does it grow from the past?

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