Brian Skrobot
PHY 301
Problem Based Learning Assignment


The First Manned Mission to Mars


July 12, 2014


TO: James Harwood,

Chief Coordinator, Bureau of Planetary Sciences


FROM:Raymond Taylor

Mission Director, Project Ares

National Association of Space Exploration

RE: Proposed craft, Mars Excursion scheduled 2016




Mr. Harwood,


I think we've run into a bit of a snag. The various factions who are

designing the craft for the Mars Excursion (Proposed Name: Ares) have

decided to disagree about the final design. Several heated arguments

have broken out during the design process, and I believe we need some

help. Currently, we have the Mission Commander and Chief Construction

Specialist negotiating directly, but I believe we need a third party from

your organization. I would greatly appreciate having a Consultant from

your firm mediating between these two. Both have great concerns: The

Mission Commander wants to make sure that the absolute best craft is

designed for the mission. The CCS wants to complete the ship on time and

under budget. They can't both have it their way.


Please feel free to contact me so that we may work out any arrangements.



R. Taylor




You are a member of the three person panel in charge of designing the first craft that will go to Mars. The panel's members consist of the following:


MISSION COMMANDER: You want to build the best ship possible because you are concerned about the safety of the men under your command (and your own health); you're going to be up there, too!)


CHIEF CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST: Your job is to complete the ship before the designated launch window and still come in under budget. Of course the best materials and systems would make for a fantastic craft, but these are sometimes hard to come by and could hinder the schedule.


MISSION MEDIATOR: Your job is to make sure the other two cooperate on the construction project. Your job is also to make suggestions about anything that they may have overlooked in the final design.


YOUR TASK: Your team is required to come up with a plausible ship design that could make it to Mars and back while keeping the crew safe. You will need to gather information and evidence about aspects of space travel and integrate them into a final design.


As a panel member, you are required to do all of the following:


What follows are several resources you may begin with. Do NOT consider this list complete; you are free to use any resources you feel will help you solve this problem.