Unit 5: Teaching Energy & Momentum

Inquiry-Oriented Student Performance Objectives:

5.1 Work and Power

  1. Students will analyze various combinations of pulleys to determine the relationship between the number of support strings and the mechanical advantage.
  2. Students will determine whether or not mechanical advantage of a pulley represents “free” energy – getting something for nothing – or is consistent with the conservation of energy principle that says “work input equals work output” (less considerations due to friction).
  3. Students will analyze the efficiency of a pulley by comparing work input with work output.
  4. Students will determine if the efficiency of a particular pulley combination varies with load and, if so, determine that relationship empirically.
  5. Students will, given the definitions of power, work, efficiency, and mechanical advantage, determine the power required to lift a given weight a certain height in a certain period of time using a particular configuration of pulley with an assumed efficiency.

5.2 Potential and Kinetic Energy

  1. Students will, given the definitions of potential energy due to gravity (PEg), potential energy due to a spring (PEs), and kinetic energy (KE), determine if and to what degree energy is conserved as it is translated from: PEg to PEs PEg to KE PEs to PEg PEs to KE KE to PEg KE to PEs
  2. Students will, using an air or dynamics track or other suitable instrument, determine if and to what degree kinetic energy is conserved in a collision between dynamics carts in the following situations: Moving cart colliding with a stationary cart. Moving cart colliding with a cart moving in the same direction. Moving cart colliding with a cart moving in the opposite direction.
  3. Students will, using a rotational apparatus and suitable sensors, determine the relationship between the moment of inertia and the symmetrically distributed mass of a rotating object or more objects.
  4. Students will, using a rotational apparatus and suitable sensors, determine the relationship between the moment of inertia and the symmetrical distribution of the mass of the rotating object or objects.
  5. Students will combine the results of objectives 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 to determine the general form of the moment of inertia for two “point” masses – essentially a dumbbell.
  6. Students will drop same-size balls with different masses from varying heights onto clay to determine the relationship between kinetic energy (the ability to do work on the clay) and both mass and velocity of the falling ball.

5.3 Momentum

  1. Students will, using an air track with sleds or track with dynamics carts, determine whether or not momentum is conserved in a variety of situations involving linear collisions: Moving cart colliding with a stationary cart. Moving cart colliding with a cart moving in the same direction. Moving cart colliding with a cart moving in the opposite direction.
  2. Students will, using an inclined plane (e.g., two abutting whiteboards, one slightly inclined), determine whether or not momentum is conserved in glancing collisions involving two balls that result in non-linear reactions.
  3. Students will, using a force sensor, a dynamics cart, and a collision, determine the relationship between impulse and momentum.
  4. Students will, using the impulse momentum theory as a basis, design and build a device that allows a raw egg to survive a fall from the height of two stories onto concrete without breaking.
  5. Students will determine the relationship between torque, moment of inertia, and angular acceleration for a given rotational object.

5.4 Machines

  1. Students will, given the definition of torque, study three classes of levers to determine the rule of mechanical advantage, and will define and analyze mechanical advantage in relation to a hypothesized ideal.
  2. Students will, given the definition of torque, study different wheel and axle combinations to determine the rule of mechanical advantage, and will define and analyze actual efficiency in relation to a hypothesized ideal.
  3. Students will study inclined planes to determine the rule of mechanical advantage, and will define and analyze actual efficiency in relation to a hypothesized ideal.
  4. Students will study the geometry of a C-clamp to calculate the mechanical advantage, and will define and analyze actual efficiency in relation to a hypothesized ideal.
  5. Students will study the wedge to determine rule of mechanical advantage, and will define and analyze actual efficiency in relation to a hypothesized ideal.
  6. Students will study gears, chains, and belts to determine rule of mechanical advantage.

Resource Information for Teaching Simple Machines:

Background on Simple Machines:

A machine is a device that does work. Most machines consist of a number of elements, such as gears and ball bearings, that work together in a complex way. Nonetheless, no matter how complex they are, all machines are based in some way on six types of simple machines. These six types of machines are the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw.

Lever. There are three basic types of levers, depending on the relative positions of where the effort is applied, the position of the load, and the position of the fulcrum. Levers are in a state of equilibrium when the sum of the torques about the fulcrum is zero.

Wheel and axle. The wheel and axle is essentially a modified lever, but it can move a load farther than a lever can. The center of the axle serves as a fulcrum.

Pulley. A pulley is a wheel over which a rope or belt is passed. It is also a form of the wheel and axle. Pulleys are often interconnected in order to obtain considerable mechanical advantage.

Inclined plane. The inclined plane is a simple device that hardly looks like a machine at all. The mechanical advantage increases as the slope of the incline decreases. But the load will then have to be moved a greater distance.

Wedge. The wedge is an adaptation of the inclined plane. It can be used to raise a heavy load over a short distance or to split a log.

Screw. The screw is actually an inclined plane wrapped in a spiral around a shaft. A jackscrew combines the usefulness of the screw and the lever. The lever is used to turn the screw.

Principles of Machines:

Machines simply transmit mechanical work from one part of a device to another part. A machine produces force and controls the direction and the motion of force, but it cannot create energy. A machine's ability to do work is measured by two factors. These are the (1) efficiency and the (2) mechanical advantage. While machines can provide a mechanical advantage of greater than 1.0, no machine can never do more work than the energy put into it. They always have efficiencies of less than 1.0 due to internal friction.

Mechanical advantage. In machines that transmit only mechanical energy, the ratio of the force exerted by the machine to the force applied to the machine is known as mechanical advantage. Under mechanical advantage the distance the load will be moved will be only be a fraction of the distance through which the effort is applied.

Efficiency. The efficiency of a machine is the ratio between the energy it supplies and the energy put into it. Although friction can be decreased by oiling any sliding or rotating parts, all machines produce some friction. A lever has a high efficiency. The work it puts out is almost equal to the energy it receives, because the energy used up by friction is quite small. On the other hand, an a pulley might be relatively inefficient due to a considerably greater amount of internal friction.

Energy conservation.
Ignoring for a moment the losses of energy due to friction, the work done on a simple machine is the same as the work done by the machine to perform some sort of task. Energy is equals energy out is the efficiency is 100%.

Teaching about Simple Machines:

Online Resources:

Hippocampus.org - see the numerous physics videos for every conceivable physics topic

Annenburg/CPB Video on Demand - see especially the 52-part series Mechanical Universe.

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