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Computational Science Degree Options

[bullet]Physics Computational Degree Option

The ISU Physics Department currently offers three degree options: a traditional physics degree preparing students for graduate study or professional employment, a physics teaching option for students interested in secondary school teaching, and an affiliated engineering option in which students take three years of courses at ISU then transfer to the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) to complete two years of engineering courses, resulting in a B.S. in Physics from ISU and a B.S. in engineering from UIUC. The computational physics option will further broaden the possibilities our students will have upon graduation.

The B.S. degree with computational options require three courses not required by our traditional program: (i) Computer Organization and Networking for Scientists, (ii) Methods of Computational Science, and (iii) the upgraded Advanced Computational Physics course. The Nonlinear Science course and the Molecular Dynamics course will be offered as electives. The new curriculum will require 43 hours of Physics (including cross-listed) courses, the same as the traditional program. All introductory and intermediate Physics courses required, as well as Math and Chemistry, are the same as for the traditional major. A suggested four year schedule has been designed for students desiring the full complement of computational courses. Other students may opt for advanced courses in another subfield of physics as electives: e.g. E&M II, Condensed Matter, or Optics.

[bullet]Sample Course Sequence

[bullet]Chemistry Computational Degree Option

The Chemistry Department offers options leading to both the B.S. and B.A. degrees; a teacher education option is also offered. Electives can be selected which allow students to receive an American Chemical Society certified degree. The computational chemistry option will be set up as a concentration within the general chemistry major program, with electives selected to provide students with a track focusing on courses in either physical/computational chemistry or biochemistry/computational chemistry.

The B.S. degree and the two computational chemistry options both include the proposed Computer Organization and Networking for Scientists and Methods of Computational Science courses, and the upgraded Advanced Computational Chemistry course. The physical/computational chemistry track includes additional electives in physics, mathematics, and computer science, as well as one of the proposed special topics courses, Nonlinear Science. The biochemistry track includes additional electives in biological sciences, biochemistry, and computer science, along with a proposed special topics course, Molecular Dynamics. The required courses for both tracks are the standard courses necessary for a chemistry major, which includes a total of 37 semester hours of chemistry.
[bullet]Sample Course Sequence

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