Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online


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The primary audience of Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online are teacher educators -- those individuals working at universities or high schools who are actively engaged in the education of teacher candidates, and even the teacher candidates themselves. It is also for university faculty or commercial concerns who might be involved in the on-going professional development of in-service high school physics teachers. Even though these educators are intended to be the primary audience, anyone with an interest in the subject matter of this publication are most welcome to subscribe, reflect on the contents of Journal, and provide additional insights.

The readership of JPTEO might include any or all of the following:

  • Coordinators of PTE and physical science teacher education programs
  • High School teachers providing clinical or student teaching experiences.
  • University faculty teaching within PTE programs
  • Teacher candidates within PTE programs
  • PhysTEC members
  • High school and middle school physics teachers
  • NSTA program reviewers
  • Departmental chairpersons
  • Physics Education Research faculty
  • AAPT membership generally
  • Pre-service physics teachers.
  • Teacher educators in other sciences.
  • Teacher candidates in other sciences.
  • Employers of teachers.

Page last updated September 22, 2009

Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online is independently
governed by its editorial staff who are solely responsible for its content.
JPTEO is published by the Illinois State University Department of Physics in cooperation with
ISU's Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST).
Copyright 2009 Illinois State University