Repairing the Illinois High School
Physics Teacher Pipeline

High School Physics Teacher
Recruitment, Preparation and Retention:

The Illinois Model

A report from the ISAAPT Ad Hoc Committee on High School Physics Teacher Recruitment, Preparation and Retention

Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers

Special Session Meetings

Workshop, Illinois Central College, East Peoria & Bradley University, Peoria, IL, October 14-16, 2004
Cracker Barrel Discussion, Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL, April 7, 2006
Cracker Barrel Discussion, Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield, IL, October 12, 2007
New/Crossover High School Physics Teacher Workshops, February 27, 2010.
Local science alliance leader meeting held at Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL, March 27, 2010

This web site is maintained by the ISAAPT standing committee on
Recruitment, Preparation, an Retention of High School Physics Teachers

David Sykes, Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield, IL

Thomas Foster, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL

Carl J. Wenning, Chair, Illinois State University, Normal, IL

(Last updated May 1, 2010, cjw)


Recent Developments:




ISAAPT Autumn Meeting (Thursday/Friday, October 14/15, 2004)



Chuck Fabish, Peoria Pubic Schools
Michael Lorber, Illinois State University
Lynn Steffen, Illinois State University
Kenneth Mellendorf, Illinois Central College

Stephen Weber, Rockford East High School
Kimberly Shaw, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Carl J. Wenning, Illinois State University


Follow-up Discussion Participants:

Kenneth Mellendorf, Illinois Central College
Doug Franklin, Western Illinois University
Nerio Calgaro, East Peoria High School
Jim Clark, Palos Heights, IL
Mark Boley, Western Illinois University

Evelyn Dorsey, Crescent-Iroquois High School
Stephen Weber, Rockford East High School
Kimberly Shaw, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Carl J. Wenning, Illinois State University
(3 WIU Students)


Session Agenda


Session PowerPoint Presentations:

  • Status of the Illinois High School Physics Teacher Pipeline, Presented by Carl J. Wenning, Illinois State University. In this presentation Wenning provides a review of the literature in relation to the recruitment, preparation, and retention of physics teachers. He identified national trends and explained how these trends are reflected in the Illinois market place. He provides information about the leaky nature and low flow volume of the physics teacher preparation pipeline within Illinois, and makes a few suggestions about how that pipeline might be repaired.
  • Teacher Candidate Perspectives, Presented by Kenneth Mellendorf, Illinois Central College. Mellendorf provides a summary of the findings in relation to those factors that most and least (and even negatively) affected the decisions of teacher candidates to become high school physics teachers.
  • In-Service Physics Teacher Survey, Kimberly Shaw, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Shaw provides a review of those teacher practices most closely aligned with the factors that help high school students decide to become physics teachers. She also reviews those factors that make teachers enjoy their jobs, and those which most make them want to leave teaching.
  • Teacher Certification and University Program Accreditation, Lynn Steffen, Illinois State University. Steffen provides an overview of the accreditation processes that teacher education programs in Illinois must undergo. She speaks about the relationship of teacher education unit accreditation in relation to the requirements by the National Science Teachers Association for specific teacher preparation programs.
  • Alternative Certification Programs, Michael Lorber, Illinois State University. Lorber provides a summary of the nature of ISU's second iteration of the alt. cert. program. He shares the course requirements and notes the nature and extent of this program's impact on the need for teachers of physics. Please note that Alternative Certification is no longer available through Illinois State University. (Note added 11/02/2009)

Survey Data Sets:

  • Survey of Physics Teacher Education Candidates This survey and data set were collected by Carl Wenning. He surveyed 24 of 33 declared physics teacher education majors at Illinois State University in an effort to determine which factors most influenced their decisions to become teachers in general an physics teachers in particular.
  • Survey of In-Service High School Physics Teacher This survey and data set were also collected by Wenning. In a survey of about 20 teachers, he was able to gain a sense of teaching practices that relate most closely to those factors that appear to influence high school students to become physics teachers. He also attempted to identify what factors teachers most and least enjoyed in relation to their teaching.

Review and Recommendations PowerPoint:

  • Teacher Recruitment and Retention Presented by Shaw, Mellendorf, Weber, and Wenning. A "sneak preview" of the two-days session with recommendations from the committee presented at the ISAAPT autumn meeting on Saturday, October 16, 2004.

ISAAPT Spring Meeting (April 7/8, 2006)

  • Participants:

    Kenneth Mellendorf, Illinois Central College
    Ann Brandon, Joliet West High School (retired)
    David Cornell, Principia College (emeritus)
    Ivan Kimble, Lockport Township High School

Carl J. Wenning, Illinois State University
Rob Mason, Olney Central College
Mel Sabella, Chicago State University
David Sykes, Lincoln Land Community College
Roger Malcolm, Kewanee High School (retired)

  • The road less traveled: Reflections of a teacher educator Presented by Carl J. Wenning. Comments arising from a reflection on 12 years as a physics teacher educator (1994-2006). Deals with how the problem of having insufficient numbers of high school physics teachers originated, and what the physics community can do about it. Deals with inspiration, identification, solicitation, preparation, induction, and mentoring of teachers.

ISAAPT Fall Meeting (October 12, 2007)

  • Participants:

    Erin Stefanik, Illinois State University (student)
    John Metzler,Illinois State University (student)
    Ann Brandon, Joliet West High School (retired)
    Diana Roth, Lanphier High School
    Kenneth Mellendorf, Illinois Central College

David Sykes, Lincoln Land Community College
Zack Metzger, Riverside Brookfield High School
Nathan Frank, Illinois Wesley University
Andrew Morrison, Illinois Wesleyan University
Tom Foster, Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville


ISAAPT Spring Meeting (April 4, 2008)

  • Participants:

Christopher Aderhold, Aurora West HS
Carl Wenning, Illinois State University

David Sykes, Lincoln Land Community College
Tom Foster, Southern Illinois University Edwardsvills
Ann Brandon, Joliet West HS (retired)


ISAAPT Ad Hoc Committee Membership:

2004-2008, David Sykes, Lincoln Land Community College
2004-2007, Kimberly Shaw, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
2004-2008, Carl J. Wenning, Illinois State University, Chair
2007-?, Tom Foster, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


State of Illinois Special Reports: (The latest report can always be found here.)



Reports on Tomorrow's Teachers: