Recent Publications
Authored by Carl J. Wenning, Ed.D.
Education Specialist
Physics Teacher Education Program
(Program Coordinator 1994-2008)
Illinois State Universit
The Levels of Inquiry Model of Science Teaching. Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online, 6(2), Summer 2011, 9-16 (revised edition 1/23/2012)
Recruiting the Next Generation of Middle and High School Science Teachers and A Career in Science Teaching? Think About It!, jointly published in September 2007 by the Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers in cooperation with the Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers, the Illinois Science Teachers Association, and the Chicago Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers.
A model for academic success. Journal of
Physics Teacher Education Online,
December 2005, pp. 29-33.
A variation on
temperature conversion. The Physics Teacher,
39(7), Washington, DC: American Association of Physics Teachers,
434. 2001
Clinical Experiences and Student Teaching Handbook: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Illinois State Board of Education, 1995. (Wenning et al.)
(Last updated January 27, 2017, cjw)